Expedia policy applies to most hotel reservations, flights, and car rentals. Expedia provides a 24-hour cancellation window for most bookings, allowing for a full refund if canceled within that time frame. For more details on your specific reservation, please contact Expedia customer care at +1-888(269)3709 How do I get a human at Expedia? To speak with Expedia customer service, call +1-888(269)3709 Expedia’s cancellation policy includes a "24-Hour Free Cancellation" feature, allowing you to cancel most bookings within 24 hours without facing a penalty, provided the check-in date is at least 5 days away. This applies to most hotel reservations, flights, and car rentals. Does Expedia offer a 24-hour cancellation policy? Expedia offers a general 24-hour refund policy, allowing you to cancel most bookings within 24 hours of making them and receive a full refund, provided your travel date is at least one week away. To obtain a full refund, simply contact their customer service at +1-888(269)3709 How do I get a Live human at Expedia To connect with a live agent at Expedia, you have several convenient options available. You can reach out via their customer service hotline at +1-888(269)3709 To get a human at Expedia, start by calling +1-888(269)3709 (U.S.). When prompted by the automated system, press "0" or choose the option for customer What is Expedia's cancellation plan? Expedia’s cancellation policy is customer-friendly. Tickets are fully refundable within 24 hours of booking, as long as your departure is more than two days away. For more details, call +1-888(269)3709 Is Expedia actually fully refundable?